Programa Final de la Conferencia
El programa final se puede descargar aquí
(Side event) PhD Workshop Wednesday 6th November. Escuela de Arquitectura (Faculty of Architecture)
12:30 – 13:00: Registration – get to know each other – short individual presentation
13:00 – 14:00: Interactive training session
14:00 – 14:30: Lunch
14:30 – 16:00: Masterclass with Prof. Dr. González de Molina
16:00 – 16:15: Coffee break
16:15 – 17:00: Wrap up – Paris 2020, next steps of AESOP PhD and YP Group
Thursday 7th November. Escuela de Arquitectura (Faculty of Architecture)
8:30 – 9:15 Registration
9:15-9:45 Official Welcome and Opening Remarks
Alberto Garrido, Vice Chancellor for Quality and Efficiency Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
José Miguel Fde-Güell, Director Urban and Territorial Planning Department (UPM)
Chiara Tornaghi, Chair AESOP-Sustainable Food Planning
9:45-10:45 Keynote Speaker. Manuel González de Molina (Pablo Olavide University) “How to scale up Agroecology: Proposals for advancing the agroecological transition”
10:45-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:15 Parallel Sessions I
Aula 1
- Chairperson: Chiara Tornaghi
- Innovations in farmland management to support a transition towards agro-ecology and more territorialized food systems. Coline Perrin
- Agricultural Landscapes of Densification. The Case of Luxembourg. Ivonne Weichold
- Strategic spatial planning and reorientation of the agro-food system in Valencia. Evaluating urban transformative capacities for sustainability. Sergio Segura Calero and Nancy Sarabia**
- Planning for food through agroparks: room for manoeuvre fostering sustainable farming. Elke Vanempten**
Aula 2
- Chairperson: Caroline Brand
- Does agro-ecological transition of the city necessarily implies alternative urban policies ? A discussion through the Carma project in Paris. Paula Mace-Le-Ficher
- How to operationalize urban food systems in planning? A transsectoral approach. Margot Olbertz and Christoph Kasper
- Tools for the ecological transition. A proposal of indicators for the community of Madrid. Laura Jiménez Bailón**
- Urban food strategy of Madrid: an evaluative case-study. Tanya Zerbian**
Aula 3
- Chairperson:
- The birth of Food Council MRA. Arnold van der Valk
- From grassroots to collaborative action: Governance of a community garden with a neighbourhood-level food cycle in suburban Tokyo. Naomi Shimpo**
- Agro-ecology and the Metropolitan Biopolitics of Food in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Florian Kroll
- The emergence of translocal city food networks: reinventing meta-governance for sustainable food security. Ana Moragues-Faus
12:15-13:30 Parallel Sessions II
Aula 1
- Chairperson: Michiel Dehaene
- Crisis in urban, agricultural and food systems. Situated knowledge approach towards resilience potentials for urbanism issues and tools. Caroline Brand
- Urban/rural co-productions. Planning approaches for improving the sustainability of local food systems in Italy and England. Luca Lazzarini**
- Agroecological Landscape Modelling as a Deliberative Tool: Prospective Horizons of Socioecological Planning in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Vallès County, Catalonia. Roc Padró
- Spatial planning as a lever for agroecology, the missing ingredient in the re-localization of food system in the Mediterranean basin. Marian Simón
Aula 2
- Chairperson:
- Feeding Sustainable Cities Platform reshaping the Portuguese foodscape: Exploring the role of internet and ICTs. Cecília Delgado**
- The role of knowledge and universities in food democracy. Camilla Adelle
- Emerging new food systems – transforming education and training systems. Niels Heine Kristensen.
- The Foodprint Melbourne project: a transdisciplinary approach to establish an evidence base, future vision and policy framework for sustainable urban food system transformation in Melbourne, Australia. Seona Candy**
13:30 Lunch time
14:30-15:30 Keynote Speaker Luis Orive (Vitoria City Council) «Difficulties for the implementation of an agroecological model in Vitoria-Gasteiz»
15:45-17:30 Parallel Sessions III
Aula 1
- Food-productive infrastructure: Enabling agroecological transitions from an urban design perspective. Katrin Bohn
- Embedding agroecology’s soil care principle in the urbanised society: the case of Flanders. Hans Vandermaelen**
- Food and Multifunctional Urban Green Infrastructure. Julián Briz**
- Food Planning Matters – Towards an Integrated Approach for a Sustainable Rural Urban Nexus. Christoph Kasper**
- The Urban Agriculture Nexus. Silvio Caputo**
- Exploring the food in the urban food-water-energy-nexus: innovations and policies for resilient and sustainable urban development. Alexandra Doernberg**
Aula 2
- Prosumer, Food Growing, Food Policies. Jan Eelco Jansma
- Tourism in support of agroecological food production. Barbara Maćkiewicz and Ana Espinosa
- Short supply chains and agroecological transition in the Cusco region (Peruvian Andes). Reflections on the hybridization of different sustainability approaches. Margaux Girard**
- The role of the rural Open Public Food Markets in the construction of territory. Nadia Fava**
- An invisible movement in city: the transformation through the agroalimentary system. Cristina Rodríguez García**
- Does food availability differ by socioeconomic status of the neighborhood? A typology of foodscapes of Montpellier, France. Vonthron, Simon **
- Is urban (food) planning contributing to build class divisions?’ An approach to food geographies contradictions. Inés Morales Bernardos
18:30- 20:30 Optional visits
Local food and drink tasting at El Fogón Verde.,an agroecological restaurant located in the centre of Madrid.
Inland CAR. Centro de Acercamiento a lo Rural, a platform that links territory, culture and social change
Friday 8th November. Escuela de Arquitectura
9:30-10:30 Keynote Speaker Emma Siliprandi (FAO).
«UN-Partners’ Scaling up Agroecology Initiative – a framework to guide the transition towards sustainable food and agricultural systems»
10.30 – 10:45 Pausa café
10:45 – 12:00 Parallel Sessions IV
Aula 1
- Productive cities for urban regeneration: the case study of Turin (proGIreg H2020 project). Giacomo Pettenati
- Integrating agroecology in urban food strategies to fight food poverty. Potential impact in Madrid’s deprived neighbourhoods. Marian Simón**
- Exploring the spatial planning dimensions of urban informal food. Luoman Zhao**
- The transformative potential of community kitchens for an agroecological urbanism. Preliminary insights and a research agenda. Carlotta Gennari**
Aula 2
- Who Governs the Food Agenda? Food democracy and power in an American City. Mary P Corcoran**
- Can Living-Lab be a tool to foster Food Democracy ? An analysis of a territorialised agri-food system reshaping process in France. Romain Feche**
- Towards a more-than-human right to the city. Debra Solomon**
- Striving for food democracy through municipal Food Policy Councils. Experiences from Germany and Canada. Marit Rosol and Barbara Maćkiewicz
12.00 – 12.30 Posters Sessions
12:30 Lunch time
13:30-14:45 Parallel Sessions V
Aula 1
- A spatial perspective on food transition in diffused settlements. Lessons from the Veneto region. Alessandra Manganelli**
- URBAL: a tool to unfold the impacts of urban-driven innovations on food systems’ sustainability. The example of two case-studies in Montpellier (France). Elodie Valette
- Multifunctional Urban Space. Urban agriculture as a tool for climate vulnerability mitigation. Giulia Lucertini**
- “Innovativeness” in urban agriculture: Which novelties in the social, environmental and economic dimension do urban agriculture projects produce? Kathrin Specht
Aula 2
- “You need to have a shared vision”: Factors that support or obstruct the sustainable establishment and development of urban community gardens. Runrid Fox-Kämper
- From Leisure to Necessity: Evolution of urban allotments in the province of Alicante in time of crisis. Marit Rosol, Ana Espinosa Seguí and Barbara Mackiewicz
- Food production and distribution in allotment gardens: past or future? Ewa Kacprzak-Barbara Mackiewicz -Magdalena Szczepańska**
- Urban Agriculture as Activism: The Cases of São Paulo and Paris. Gustavo Nagib**
Aula 3
- How multi-level food policy networks can improve local food systems: evaluating the Dutch ‘City deal: Food on the Urban Agenda. Lara Sibbing**
- Food sovereignty in a globalized urban world. Strategies, arenas and actors in the current food movement in City-Region of Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. Laura Mendoza Sandoval
- Deepening, broadening, and scaling-up: the case of Australian local food initiatives. Leticia Canal Vieira** (no pub.)
- Integrating traditional private actors in the construction of a food public strategy: the case of independent shopkeepers and wholesalers in Paris. Natacha Rollinde**
14:45-15:30 Plenary. Wrap-up. Scientific Committee
Institutional Closing words:
- Alejandro Benito. Chair Applied Research and Agrarian Extension Department. IMIDRA (Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario)
- Manuel Blanco. Director School of Architecture. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Friday 8th November. Afternoon LCE – La Casa Encendida
17:00-18:30 Mesa redonda. Investigación, técnicos, movimientos socialses. ¿Quién planea la transición agroecológica frente a la emergencia climática? Presenta y faciltia: Marian Simón Rojo, GIAU+S
- Emma Silipandri. FAO Scaling up agroecology
- Alberto Leboreiro Amaro. Vice-director Regional Planning, Government Agency Comunidad de Madrid
- Agustín Hernández Aja, President WG Sustainability CRUE (Conference of Spanish Universities’ Rectors)
- Luis Velasco and Juan Carlos Liano. Madrid Agroecológico / AUPA / Trasiego
19:00-21:00 Social Dinner
Saturday 9th November
9.30-15:30 Field Trip. Visit to urban and periurban agroecological projects
La Conferencia. Transiciones agroecológicas en la ciudad post-carbono
La rama Sustainable Food Planning tiene especial interés en vincular su trabajo con la agroecología y los movimientos sociales, razón por la cual nos invitaron a acoger la Conferencia Bienal de AESOP-SFP.
Desde el grupo de Agroecología, Urbanismo y Sistemas Alimentarios, del GIAU+S recogimos el guante. Se ha abierto el call for papers y la conferencia llama a compartir investigaciones y proyectos en torno a:
Las evidencias científicas confirman que nos acercamos a un punto de inflexión en el cambio climático, con una retroalimentación de los procesos que acelerarán el deterioro a escala global. Los sistemas alimentarios urbanos no solo contribuyen de manera importante al cambio climático, también son muy vulnerables ante el mismo. Vulnerabilidad que no es homogénea, es más acusada en áreas urbanas y comuniades en crisis y que han experimentado procesos de desposesión.
Con esta conferencia, queremos invitar a compartir conocimientos y experiencias sobre la planificación de la transición agroecológica y la reorientación de los sistemas alimentarios actuales. Quermos refelexionar conjuntamente sobre de qué manera pueden los instrumentos y procesos de planificación ser palancas de cambio hacia sistemas alimentarios territorializados, en los que se da una reorganización del sistema de producción y consumo de alimentos. ¿Es la resiliencia un concepto lo suficientemente fuerte para enfrentar la crisis ecológica o se necesita un enfoque más radical? ¿Estamos hablando de abordar las relaciones de poder desiguales y las distribuciones de recursos? ¿Buscamos resituar a la agricultura / sector primario en una posición central en la economía del norte? ¿Recolocar al mundo rural en una posición central en la planificación de alimentos? ¿Los planes dirigen hacia una mayor autonomía de la ciudad, a un urbanismo de la austeridad que integra a la ciudad en su biorregión?
Estas y otras cuestiones se trabajarán a lo largo de tres ejes:
- Transición agroecológica regional
- Urbanismo agroecológico
- Democracia alimentaria
Os invitamos a compartir vuestro conocimiento y experiencia, participando en la conferencia. Está abierta la recepción de resúmenes en este enlace
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