Vers un réseau méditerranéen sur les dynamiques des usages des sols agricoles, à l’échelle du bassin
Main Researcher: Claude NAPOLEONE et Marta DEBOLINI, Institut national pour la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) – unités Ecodéveloppement et EMMAH
The AgroMed project aims to develop a methodological approach for an integrated analysis of agricultural land use dynamics at the Mediterranean basin scale. It will be
based on a comparison of different approaches and results already obtained by the partners and tested on existing study areas. This methodological approach will represent the basis for a more ambitious international research project, to be built during the program.
Participating teams already knows each-others and they are already working on this subject. The aim is then to put them in connection in order to improve the efficacy of their
own researches.
Researcher from GIAUs involved in the project: Marian SIMON ROJO