We would like to inform you about the series of e-lectures on Urban Agriculture Europe in which we are taking part, in May and June 2015 hosted and supported by the LE:NOTRE Institute. The e-lectures aim at disseminating the outcomes of the COST action Urban Agriculture in Europeand informing a wider (landscape) society about what we do.
Urban Agriculture eLecture Series Moderation Attila TOTH
1. May 11, Monday, 6 pm CET. Phenomenon of Urban Agriculture. Marian Simon Rojo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) & Henrik Vejre (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) on http://le-notre.org/public_lni/calendar_show_details.php?event_id=986
2. May 18, Monday, 6 pm CET. Urban Agriculture and People. Mary Corcoran (National University of Ireland) on http://le-notre.org/public_lni/calendar_show_details.php?event_id=987
3. June 8, Monday, 6:30 pm CET. Urban Agriculture and Business: Business models of UA emphasizing commercial urban/peri-urban farms. Bernd Pölling (Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, Germany) & Jan-Willem van der Schans (Wageningen University, Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Den Haag, the Netherlands) on http://le-notre.org/public_lni/calendar_show_details.php?event_id=988
4. June 15, Monday, 6 pm CET. Urban Agriculture and Space. Lilli Lička (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Austria) & Luis Maldonado (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain) on http://le-notre.org/public_lni/calendar_show_details.php?event_id=989
You are welcome to spread the information about the e-lectures among your colleagues and students and you are also very welcome to join and support the LE:NOTRE Institute and benefit from its activities and offers as a supporting member – more information here: http://le-notre.org/public_lni/about_ln_institute.php/ and on the attached poster.